For Campers Going into 3rd-7th Grade
Each camper in our Day Camp is placed in a group of 15 to 18 campers. All campers are placed in groups according to age and grade. Two to three counselors assist each camper group in all daily activities.
Campers in this age group participate in weekly teambuilding programs. They also have a daily hour-long session for free swim, and many other activities like STEAM, Sports, Nature, and adventure. Finally, weekly electives give each camper an opportunity to use his or her voice in deciding a unique camp experience.
Camp Session Fee – $465 // $380 for session 3
Wawakiya is the Master of the Outdoors. This program is a skill mastery program that is available for any camper that attends 3 or more weeks. This program challenges children to become masters in four Outdoor Activities: (1) Basic Survival Skills (2) Fishing (3) Archery and (4) Canoeing.
Campers must demonstrate proficiency in each section by completing 15 requirements in order to to receive a mastery patch. Once a camper has earned all four patches, they have become Wawakiya. This program is expected to take children multiple weeks and even years to achieve, and it is for this reason that it is available only to children who attend camp for at least 3 weeks.

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